IdeaChain is designed to improve reading (and listening) comprehension.
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IdeaChain is a product of MindPrime, Inc.

Why Individuals Who Read Well Cannot Understand and Remember

How IdeaChain Works to Improve Reading Comprehension

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Who Is Behind MindPrime?

Jane & Huber Wilkinson Jane Wilknson graduated cum laude with a degree in physics and during years of educational experience migrated to working with students who struggled with the learning process. Since her years in the classroom she has spent over 5,000 hours working directly with students, teachers and administrators on issues related to reading processing problems. She was co-developer of a process-oriented reading program used by over 150,000 students. She served as President of Creative Education Institute and has done extensive study on the neurological basis of learning disabilities.

But that is not really what fans the fire of her passion to help struggling students. Jane comes from a large family that has felt the impact of learning differences. Out of the seven families of her and her siblings, six families have had to take action to accommodate learning difficulties. Jane is familiar with the impact learning differences have on a family and a child's future.

Huber Wilkinson manages the business aspects of serving parents who want to help their children advance academically. He has twenty years experience in public relations, association management, fund development, and related fields. His expertise in publishing magazines and newsletters are put to use managing product print publication and MindPrime's promotions. In addition to being an independent business owner, Huber has managed and coordinated conventions and trade shows and developed national award winning programs for trade associations.

Jane and Huber's unique blend of talents and experiences, along with a management team of professionals, provides the foundation to support a company committed to serving parents with quality products for real-time reading improvement.

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800-460-8484      4547 Baylor Camp Road, Crawford, Texas 76638    
MindPrime and IdeaChain are registered trademarks of MindPrime, Inc.

Reading comprehension improvement . . . in as little as three months!