IdeaChain is designed to improve reading (and listening) comprehension.
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IdeaChain is a product of MindPrime, Inc.

Find out why someone's mind jumps all over when they read -- and they end up with only pieces of the story.

How IdeaChain can -- and cannot -- help you improve reading comprehension.

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Great ideas for improving comprehension - anyone - any age!

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Articles, research papers from peer reviewed journals and books discussing the relationship of comprehension and mental imaging.


(If reading the words, decoding, has been a problem) Continues to struggle with reading words even after special training in a phonics based (Orton-Gillingham) reading program

Children & Youths
(6 - 18 years old)

  • Seems not to respond to sound instruction in phoenemics or phonics. Repeated instruction does not produce noticeable long term improvement in reading fluency.

  • Can be quite good at naming all the sounds associated with letter combinations, but cannot put this skill to use in real time as they read

  • Usually also has problems understanding ideas and organizing thoughts

(College/University, Graduate School, Working)

  • May have gone to night school or literacy classes two, three, four times, or more, with little success in learning to read

  • Can be quite good at naming all the sounds associated with letter combinations, but cannot put this skill to use in real time as they read

  • Usually also has problems understanding ideas and organizing thoughts

Learn how to increase reading fluency and understand what your read and hear!

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800-460-8484      401 Franklin Avenue, Waco,TX, 76701-2127    
MindPrime and IdeaChain are registered trademarks of MindPrime, Inc.